Health and Wellness, working from home, and being plant based.
My website is mostly about art, but lifestyle quintessential to being an artist. Separating the two would unravel our molecular identity, because the artist lifestyle is based on self exploration, holistic approaches to searching for inspiration, and drawing out the soul. I discovered an inspiring podcast on how we are literally unraveling from the molecular level. I have provided a link below if you don’t want to read about my weekend. Just scroll to the bottom to see one of the videos we watched.
For the last few months I have been grinding to finish projects. I took on too many freelance projects and found myself unable to meet deadlines. I had 40 hours of work just for one client, and found myself not saying no to other external projects. That meant I was working after I finished my 40 hours. This left me with no time to read; no time to paint; no time for meditation or exercise, and no creative energy..
I think during the week I jogged only 2 hours total which made me feel ashamed. It really went against the whole reason I decided to work from home and sustain a freelance lifestyle. It made me start to reflect on why I went freelance and what I value. If that ever happens to you, then maybe it’s time to to take a step back and unplug.
In conclusion, I did a 3-day digital detox. I stepped away from all of the things that were entangling me, and stressing me out. I refrained from using my phone excessively. I didn’t paint or stare at a computer screen. I didn’t agree to doing anything I knew would overwhelm me, and it felt really good. I ended up surfing for three days and doing physical activities. Instead of watching movies when we got home, my husband and I watched a youtube series on health we discovered thanks to Youtube. This series developed by Rich Roll highlights various topics on heart heath, plant-based diets, and topics deeply debated. I have provided a link below if you would like to check it out.
I returned to my work this morning refreshed, inspired, and created something beautiful in my workbook.